304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

All You Need To Know About Responsive Web Design

All You Need To Know About Responsive Web Design

The usage of mobile devices, smartphones and tablets, is exploding throughout the world. More and more people are using their mobile devices to complete tasks that used to be done almost exclusively on their desktops just a few years ago.

Mobile users are using their devices for everything from Internet searches to engaging on social media and even making purchases. Because of this, any company that wants to implement an inbound marketing strategy needs to focus on mobile.

It used to be that your company had to have two websites; one for desktops and a separate one for mobile devices. But that is no longer the case. One key aspect of any inbound marketing strategy is the use of responsive design.

What Is Responsive Design?

In a nutshell, responsive design allows your company website to be properly displayed on any mobile device regardless of size.  By using this design element your website will automatically detect the screen size of the device on which it is being displayed and adjust accordingly.

The Rise Of  Smartphone Usage

India has one of the fastest-growing adoption of smartphones in the world. The smartphone market in India grew by an incredible 186% year over year in the first quarter of 2014. Because of this inbound marketing agencies are encouraging their client to embrace mobile marketing strategies.

Twenty percent of all Google searches are now being conducted on some sort of mobile device and that number is going to increase every year. Your customers are looking for you on their mobile devices, don’t you want them to find you?

According to latest news if you website is not mobile friendly then your website will not appear in the Google search results.  In SEO it has become compulsory that your website is mobile friendly.

Mobile Marketing And Responsive Design

Mobile marketing is fast becoming one of the most effective Internet marketing techniques for businesses to adopt. It is also one of the main strategies of inbound marketing. In order to attract the right type of visitor to your website you need to get the right information to them on whatever device they are using. This is why your company needs to use responsive design.

Using responsive design in your inbound marketing efforts will deliver a much more pleasant experience for your prospects and customers. It will make their journey through the buying cycle much easier as well.